Carbon footprint compensation
Carbon footprints can be reduced, for example, by the efficient use of energy and reducing greenhouse gases produced by human activity. Emissions can be reduced by, for example, replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. In many cases, carbon footprints cannot be entirely eliminated by changing one's own actions. That's when the remaining carbon footprint can be compensated by taking actions that reduce an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or prevent greenhouse gases from being produced.
Compensating carbon footprints can be done by, for example, purchasing emissions reductions from the voluntary emissions market, i.e. by investing in projects which reduce emissions. This means that there are existing projects that bind greenhouse gases or reduce their production by various means A majority of the projects are located in developing countries. In addition to the fact that projects reduce greenhouse gases, they also improve the living conditions of local communities.
Hesburger is compensating the carbon footprint of select products sold in Finland by participating in certified projects, whose aim is to reduce deforestation and support local communities in a variety of ways.