Ethical principles
As part of the Hesburger responsibility development work, we compiled the following principles by which Hesburger is committed to operate:
- We observe the local legislation and regulations in all our operations,
- We openly tell all our stakeholders about our operations and products,
- We ensure the quality and safety of our products,
- We strive to reduce the adverse environmental impacts caused by our operations and to take positive action for the benefit of the environment,
- We are a reliable employer,
- We do not give or receive any direct or indirect bribes or other benefits that could be construed as bribery or corruption,
- We prefer long partnerships and operate fairly with all our partners,
- We require our supply chain to respect human rights in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations,
- We treat animals appropriately,
- We observe ethical practices in our marketing,
- We treat our customers equally and engage in open dialogue with them.
If we detect failure to carry out any of the principles mentioned above in the Hesburger operations or supply chain, we will immediately undertake corrective measures. If you detect any activity in the Hesburger operations or supply chain that is contrary to our ethical principals, please notify us immediately about it at
The Hesburger whistleblowing channel is intended for Hesburger’s current and former employees and job seekers, as well as Hesburger’s partners and their employees.