Hesburger recruitment register privacy policy

In this privacy policy, we will explain how Hesburger collects, processes, transfers and protects the personal data of its job applicants (hereinafter "Applicant"). Personal data is data on the basis of which the Applicant can be identified, such as their name and telephone number.

Hesburger refers hereinafter to Burger-In Ltd., AS Hesburger and other Hesburger Group-owned employer companies, which are collectively joint controllers. A list of all joint controllers is presented at the end of this privacy policy.


Why do we process personal data?

The register is used for recruiting job applicants and establishing employment relationships. Personal data is processed in evaluating the suitability of the Applicant and hiring them for job vacancies at Hesburger. A prerequisite for processing the Applicant's data is consent given by the Applicant in the recruiting portal in use at Hesburger. If Hesburger receives a job application by post or email to a public address, the prerequisite for processing is Hesburger's legitimate interest. Applications received by post or email will be processed, where applicable, following the same procedure as used for job applications received through the recruiting portal. Hesburger always recommends submitting job applications first and foremost through the recruiting portal.


What kind of data do we collect and what are the sources of the data?

The following personal data is collected for the recruitment register: The Applicant's name, address, email address, phone number, nationality, date of birth, gender, information on the Applicant's previous employment with Hesburger (if any) and/or in the food service industry, information on previous work experience, information on education, references, language proficiency, information on the Hygiene Passport, information on the drivers licence, general information on employment opportunities, (including the type of employment relationship and any employment periods), information on health factors that may affect working ability, and other information provided on the Applicant's job application. Additionally, the Applicant can attach to the job application their photo and/or video presentation. Further, as applicable, job interview of the Applicant can be conducted also via video connection. 

The recruitment register contains information provided on the Applicant's job application submitted to Hesburger and obtained in the job interview phase. Hesburger is entitled to check the Applicant's credit history and contact the references specified by the Applicant with the consent of the Applicant.


Who processes personal data?

At Hesburger, personal data is processed by personnel whose job descriptions include evaluation job applications and giving job interviews. These people include employees of Hesburger's HR department and recruiting supervisors at each location. Personal data may, to a limited extent, be processed by personnel whose job descriptions include the technical maintenance and development of Hesburger's recruiting portal.

Data is transferred to the following parties outside of Hesburger:

  • Hesburger franchise operators shall receive all job applications submitted to the franchise restaurant locations in question. The full names and contact information of Hesburger franchise operators are presented on the Hesburger website in connection with the details of each location. For the sake of clarity, it must be stated that job applications for S-Group Hesburger restaurants in Finland must be submitted through the S-Group's own recruiting portal. In such cases, Hesburger will not process the personal data of job applicants.
  • IT service providers responsible for the technical maintenance and development of software used in the processing of job applications.
  • Recruiting service providers responsible for technical implementation of their recruiting platform
  • Companies providing outsourced financial management services to Hesburger.

Personal data is not transferred outside of the EU or EEA.


How does Hesburger ensure data protection?

Hesburger employs technical and organisational measures to prevent the unauthorised use, transfer, deletion or other processing of personal data that may jeopardise data protection. The register is kept in electronic form. Use of the register, altering data and processing are only done using multilevel user identification by means of an encrypted application. Only appointed persons tasked with maintaining and managing the system are allowed to use the register. Register data is protected against being accessed from outside and use of the register is monitored.


How long is the data stored?

Data stored in the register shall be deleted two and half (2,5)  years after submission or the latest modification of the job application .

Data shall be stored for a longer period of time if the Applicant is hired by Hesburger or there is some other legal reason for doing so.


Applicant rights

The Applicant may exercise the rights mentioned below by contacting Hesburger by mail or email. Exercising of these rights requires that Hesburger is able to adequately verify the identity of the person submitting a request for information.

Right of access

The Applicant has the right to inspect their own data in the register.

Right to request correction of incorrect or incomplete data

The Applicant has the right to request that incorrect or incomplete data be corrected.

Right to erasure

The Applicant has the right to request that their personal data be deleted from the register ("Right to be forgotten"). At the Applicant's request, Hesburger shall make every effort to delete the data without undue delay, except in cases where there are legal reasons for denying the deletion of data. 

The Applicant may, at any time, revoke their consent to process their personal data, upon which Hesburger will no longer process the Applicant's personal data. 

Right to restrict and oppose processing

The Applicant has the right to restrict and oppose the processing of their personal data. When the Applicant has submitted a request, Hesburger may no longer process the Applicant's personal data, unless there is a legal reason for processing.

Right to transfer data from one system to another

The Applicant has the right to receive their personal data in a structured and commonly used form, in which the Applicant is able to transfer the data to the controller of another personal data register.


Right to file a complaint

The Applicant may file a complaint concerning the processing of personal data with the competent authority in their country of residence. Detailed information on National Data Protection Authorities can be found here: http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/article29/document.cfm?action=display&doc_id=50061


We regularly check our data protection practices and update our Privacy Policies to reflect the changes in our processes. We recommend you to familiarize yourself with this Privacy Policy from time to time.


Who is the controller of your personal data and where can you contact them?

Enquiries may be made by post or email:

Burger-In Ltd.

Linnankatu 34

20100 Turku, Finland



The joint controllers included in this privacy policy are the following companies: 



Burger-In Oy

Clewer Aquaculture Oy

Clewer Technology Oy

Gurulogic Microsystems Oy

Hakaniemen Burger Oy

Helsingin Fastburger Oy

Helsingin Seudun Restahenkilöstö Oy

Hescluster Oy

Hes-Dev Oy

Hesdiligent Oy

Hese-extra Oy

Hesehelp Oy

Hesepalvelut Oy

Hesestaff Oy

Heseväki Oy

Hesgroup Oy

Hesmakers Oy

Hespersonnel Oy

Hes-Pro Oy

Hesrent Oy

Hestroop Oy

Hesworkers Oy

Jaanatiina Oy

JHS Personnel Oy

JWS Burger AB

Kaakkurin Burger Oy

Kokkolan Keskus-Burger Oy

KS Burgerhenkilöstö Oy

KS Workers Oy

Lempäälän Burgerpark Oy

MS Kiinteistöpalvelu Oy

Oy Hotelli Marina Ab

Pastaexpress Oy

Plaza-Burger Oy

PM Henkilöstö Oy

Rai-Burger Oy

Rautatientorin Burger Oy

Res-Staff Oy

Restaburger Oy

Restaflow Oy

Restahenkilöstö Oy

Restapower Oy

Restaworkers Oy

Salmela-Yhtiöt Oy

Savon Burger Oy

Suomen Burgerserve Oy

Suomen Burger-Staff Oy

Suomen Restapeople Oy

Tampereen Restahenkilöstö Oy

Tapiolan Burger Oy

Turun Restahenkilöstövuokraus Oy

Turun Restapersonnel Oy



Anneburks OÜ

Binburks OÜ

Capsburks OÜ

Haapsburks OÜ

Hesburger AS

Hesemajad OÜ

Jakato OÜ

Kaldaburks OÜ

Karrburks OÜ

Keilaburks OÜ

Kohtlaburks OÜ

Laiburks OÜ

Logiburks OÜ

Lootsi Hese OÜ

Lôunaburks OÜ

Maarburks OÜ

Narvaburger OÜ

Pikkburks OÜ

Pirburks OÜ

Raeburks OÜ

Rapburks OÜ

Saareburger OÜ

Soobburks OÜ

Tallaag OÜ

Talmust OÜ

Tarkald D OÜ

Tarkesk OÜ

Tartuburks OÜ

Viimsburks OÜ

Vilburks OÜ

Vipburger OÜ

Vôrburks OÜ

Ôisbuks OÜ



Parkburger SIA

Rigaburger SIA



„Hes-Pro Vilnius“

UAB „Litpark“



Bulgarian Burger EOOD

River Burger EOOD

Bulgarian Burger Cinemas EOOD

Varburger EOOD

Velburger EOOD

Haskburger EOOD

Mall Burger EOOD

B Burger EOOD